Thursday, May 21, 2009


Okay. It's my first post from Charlotta, a monumental post, and I am all a flutter with things to say. So far I am feeling lots of things: welcomed, BLESSED, nervous, scared, lonely (not in a "feel sorry for me" way), lost (both metaphorically and literally), etc. This is a big city. I am a little fish. I have this great community of Young Life people who have been unbelievable, bending over backwards to get me acclimated, but I am still really trying to sit back and see what the Lord desires for me here.

I was reading Exodus last night - starting with chapter one and just exploring what God did with Moses. It reminded me that God does not change everything all at once. There are steps that He takes to get us to where he ultimately desires. Moses was leaving a place of bondage, and I am trying to figure out where that fits in with me...but I think it has something to do with a personal, internal bondage. Not sure yet... I got a new Bible for graduation from one of my best Cincinnati friends for whom I babysit. It is a translation that is rare and that I love.

Last night when I got here, Steve and Lisa Gardner showed me around their home, and let me play with their two kiddos. They were finishing up packing for their month long assignment. Justin (metro director of YL here in Charlotte) and Amie Robillard came over and brought me dinner, then took me out to get ice cream. Once we got back Steve and I unpacked my car and I am all moved in. I get pretty spotty internet over at Steve's. I have been considering the purchase of a laptop anyway, but this may spur me on even more. We will see. I will not be getting a MAC. I am currently at the library where I have a three month internet pass for free. A guest pass to check out books is $45 for 3 months. DOUBT IT. But I love books, so I might have to figure something out.

Today I played with Steve's kids in "my" apartment while he and Lisa finished getting ready to leave. They are crazy and not shy at all so listening to music and making bracelets was REALLY fun and REALLY wild. I had lunch this afternoon with Justin, Amanda, Neil and Holly. All of them are Ohio transplants to NC and three of them are on staff. All of them are married. It was such a good time and they are being so gracious in helping me to learn as much as I can about the ministry down here. I am still not sure what the Lord has for me in both the ministry or jobs. I have called the TPC golf course here two times today and not heard back. Nannying calls and emails are out, waiting to be returned as well.

Tonight is Campaigners for Myers Park High School. It is held in "my" new apartment so I had planned on making myself invisible, but Justin asked me to stay around since they won't have a girl leader there tonight. So, I will stay around. So much happening in so little time. But I am trying to be conscious of how God is working in all of it. So...ok. Pictures to come soon.

Can't find a bank. Don't know what grocery to go to. Library is my favorite place in Charlotte, coincidentally I have been to two of them already today. So...I am exciting :)


Kellie said...

I can't wait to see you!!!!! You're going to be at Rockbridge this weekend, right?

Grandpa said...

Hang in there, Jaclyn. I love you and am thinking and praying for you.