Thursday, January 15, 2009

Partial satisfaction

Here I sit, with my lunch of cheese and crackers (because I haven't been to the grocery store yet), knuckles cracked, and ready to type. I will give you what has been promised, although I recognize that I am a day late.

Viewer discretion is advised for some of the photos. Not for weak stomachs. :)

1. I am back to work as of yesterday afternoon. For those of you who don't know, I work at a Cincinnati Public Elem. school at their after school program. Over the break my boss asked me if I would be willing to take on some extra responsibilities. These new responsibilities require me to run two different classes rather than just focus on kid behavior and participation while a vendor runs the class. Thinking that I may be helping run an after school program next year, I accepted out of duty and for the sake of experience. Yesterday was my first day, and I had not had class curriculum in hand yet, so we did some improv and situational skits about how we should behave at school. This was hilarious with the Kindergartener's, who ended up being much better at it than the 3-5 grade boys. May have the next Kate Winslet in my class.

2. So, I had my first real life job interview on Monday in Charlotte, NC. Mom and I drove down together Monday morning, hit up a public library (location courtesy of the TomTom GPS) to print off the mandatory documents that I of course forgot, and then she dropped me off at the middle school at 2. The school was pretty nice. Predominantly African-American, staff and students both, same goes for the after school staff. There was a small population of latinos at the school, although in the area there seemed to be a LARGE population. I have loved the diversity that comes with Cinci these past 4 years, so I am looking forward to exposing myself to a greater diversity in NC. Middle school students were surprisingly WAY better behaved than the elementary school students at our school. The staff there relies on mutual respect and students know what is expected of them. I have learned that this is KEY. The interview portion actually only lasted about an hour, from 5-6 pm, and it went well. I presented my curriculum, which my interviewer told me I should guard with my life, and at the end of the interview he assured me that he would recommend me as a great candidate for Citizen Schools. Good feedback after my first real interview. I am not sure about the next steps, but I have already sent a follow-up email. What next? I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

3. Ah, yes. The cast came off on Tuesday. I had to hang around Charleston and miss my first 2 classes on Monday and Tuesday because of interview and cast-removal. This time I have documented it well. WARNING: do not view on if you are grossed out by dead skin cells, incisions or REALLY hairy legs. The nurse sawed off my cast, again telling me to warn her if i feel the blade get too close to my skin. (I feel like it might be too late if I have already felt it. But, maybe not?) Jackson Mayo, mom's best friend's son, way there to observe. He got to wear some great headphones to block out the sound of the saw.


This is where she uses the vice grips to pry apart my cast.

Jackson and Mom. Having wayyyy less fun than me.
Just the dead skin cell residue.

You can see that my leg hair is equivalent to that of a grizzly. Neanderthal, if you will. Later Tuesday night, when I was back to Cincinnati, I let my friend Greg witness the madness. Let's just say he had tears rolling down his face from laughter and disbelief. That is only a month folks. Imagine the possibilities.

So, now, I have to find a physical therapy place here in Cincinnati to get this baby on the mend.

I am going to skip the promised number 4 for now because I am not sure yet what my thoughts are about things here in Cincinnati. Pretty bittersweet and nostalgic knowing this is my last semester here. For a rainy day.

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