Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Things are truly winding down around here in Cincinnati. Its a pretty scary feeling, but something that I cannot help but be so anxious about. Graduation from high school was no surprise, things were already planned out. Graduation from college is such a different story for me, but I am finding myself less nervous or worried than I had previously expected.

I find myself constantly wanting to spend time with my roommate of three years, Molly. I have been incessantly calling my Young Life girls in attempts to spend time together. I realize how much I will miss simple comforts like Allison's sarcasm and Charles' jokes. I am desparately trying to squeeze the life out of everything Cincinnati before I leave - this is includes but is not limited to UDF chocolate malts, Graeter's Buckeye Blitz, skyline, and probably things that are not food related (but really if you know me its probably food related).

I have had a roomate for 5 years now. Three of those years have been with Molly. It is so weird to think of my everyday life without her. Who knows when that reality will hit. Probably when I am forced to pick my own clothes out before going out with friends. haha

On the flip side, there are so many things about Carolina about which I am feeling such anticipation. Minus the pulled pork, sweet tea, lemonade and weather (see, food again), I am so excited for the next parts of the Lord's plan that he will reveal to me. I can't even begin to guess. I don't want to. One of my favorite verses says this:
"Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told. --Habakkuk 1:5

It's so crazy to think about, right?

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