Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"It is definitly a crime for a Christian to be weak in God's strength."

I have been pretty frustrated with God lately. To be honest. I feel like I have been trying to seek and look to Him for answers and direction regarding what I should do when I graduate. I do not want to make a decision without it being the Lord's plan. That is far scarier than staying put until I hear something clear. In the midst of this frustration, I probably have not been in the right posture to hear and really yield to what the Lord might share with me. Often times, what happens to me is that I get swept up in the rationale and decision making of many of my other college friends.

In My Utmost for His Highest this morning, Oswald Chambers remarks on how our Lord brings us to fellowship with him, only to hear us moan and groan, saying "Oh Lord, just let me be like other people!" Man, I am ridiculous sometimes. I consciously pray and seek freedom from things that enslaved me in the past, and as I am slowly granted release from these things as I grow in my faith and trust of the Lord, I find myself just like the Israelites who were freed from Pharaoh...whining and moaning because I just wish that sometimes I could take a break from being a "Christian" and live the "easy life." Yikes...it is crazy how well our world can sell us on its lies.

In Matthew 11:30 Jesus says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light..." Chambers says, "Our Lord is asking us to get beside him and take one end of the yoke, so that we can pull together." Lord, I just pray that my complaining about a job and a future (that you have already promised to prosper - Jeremiah 29:11) would turn into praise for you. I pray to know the strength of my God by taking up the yoke of Jesus.

I have made some decisions about next year. They will come at you soon. And rather than sitting around whining about not hearing clear words from God, I am going to be obedient to his call to Moses to "Go!" I trust that He will reveal His plan as I begin to take up the yoke of Christ and learn from His strength. God's love is crazy.

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