Speaking of getting hurt. Note: i did not mean for this to turn into a second blog for today.
The people who ran this fall weekend will remain unnamed, but they chose to "invent" a new game for war games that could quite possibly be the worst idea in Young Life history, and there have been some bad ones even in my 6 short years. They instructed leaders to all get in a big corkscrew "circle" with our elbows locked and then proceeded to explain TWO ways that the game would be played. One rumor was that we were supposed to try and fight our way out of the crowd of kids surrounding us, the other was that kids were supposed to tear us from this corkscrew of leaders. Either way, we were standing and at the sound of the air horn, chaos ensued. High schoolers, not knowing any better, proceed to push our whole group from all sides which results in everyone on to of everyone else. The female leaders had placed themselves in what we thought would be a strategic position, the middle inside the men. This backfired because one we started they were all on top of us. I have a MONSTER sized bruise on the inside of my right thrigh and a twisted neck as a result. People had broken feet and hyper-extended knees, as well as broken toes and border-line concussions.
And I wonder sometimes why people question me being in this ministry...haha. Just kidding. It hurt, but we lived. and I don't think they'll try that game again.
not smart...especially with ensuing surgery. You shouldn't have even been out there!
dude...all i gotta say is the best part about these blogs is that BOMB sweatshirt you have on in those pictures.
enough said.
come home.
You got me. I could not see red tape on anyone's bellys. Love ya.
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