Thursday, April 16, 2009

It could be worse.

Hey party peopleee.

Although I have mentioned to most of you some vague details regarding my plan after graduation. I am moving in a direction that really has specifics and concrete itineraries. I have been emailing back and forth with the young life regional director of the Carolinas region. He currently lives in Charlotte, but is from Cincinnati and then was on staff in Columbus. I met Steve in January and decided to follow up with him about post-grad. He and his staff have been great about encouraging me in my search for God's will and have also gotten my resume around to their YL committee in Charlotte.

Two weeks ago I emailed Steve asking about any of his leaders needing roomates or wanting to sublease for the summer. He came back with a VERY generous offer. I expressed a few days ago taht I have been frustrated with the Lord because I haven't felt clarity or peace about what He wants for me after graduation. Part of the problem is that I feel entitled to have a job, and more so entitled to know God's plans for me. To quote my friend Adrienne, "I want to live in only God's plans," but I have nto had a clear answer of where He wants me. Adrienne recently shared with me a passage from Psalm 4 that made me just melt. God tells us a bajillion times that he will prosper those who fear him, who love him, who hold ot his covenant.

"The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness..."

How encouraging to hear this from Adrienne, expecially good timing. Steve has offered me a free place ot stay in Charlotte for about 6 weeks. He will be gone from his home with his family for those 6 weeks and is offering me his "summer home," (otherwise known as the above the garage apartment) for the small price of me mowing his grass once a week. (Note: I have never mowed the lawn. I don't know how to use a lawn mower.) I was pretty apprehensive after having this offer really fall into my lap. I spent about 4 days praying and seeking the Lord while only mentioning this offer to two other people. When I headed home for the weekend, I still did not feel like I was getting clarity from the Lord. After talking to Laura, my friend and YL leader from high school, my parents and some friends from HS, I think it started to click. I kind of feel like Moses. God is promising me all the time that he will prosper me, but not promising that I will always be privy to his plans. God promised Moses and the Israelites the Promise Land and they had NO IDEA what they were in store for. God implored Moses only to "Go!" and Moses went.

I am ready to step out in obedience, to believe that the Lord will do a good work in me as I really put myself in a position where I MUST trust Him. So, May 20th I will be heading to Charlotte to begin what could be a great 6 week stint in an awesome city, or what could be the next long chapter of my life. I pray that I am ready to take what the Lord has for me and that I will face my fears with courage derived from Him.

Worst case scenario: I come back with a tan. :)


Kellie said...

Carolina girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! it! :)

Adrienne said...

A couple of things :)

1) LOVE this post and I'm so excited for you to move and get things under way. I know that whatever happens God will meet you there and so you will not be alone.

2) The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are FULLY satisfied-Proverbs 13:4

You have diligent in prayer and faithfulness so know that your desire to live in God's will be FULLY satisfied.