Had a long conversation with an old friend last night who is going through some pretty rough times. It is always so hard to hear how sin can become such a burden in people's lives, my own included. I have to be reminded time and time again that I am not defined by sin. Sin is revived (Romans 7:9) over and over in my life and I struggle to really despise that sin because of how it distances me from God. And I can't just act "better" and not do those sins in order to get back on track. I have to truly get down on my knees and realize that only through Jesus, only because of Jesus, will I ever be free of the slavery of sin. Sometimes I just wish God would make me be obedient, but then I would never understand the sacrifice of his son...I would never understand what it means to be loved unconditionally no matter how often I trade that love for this world.
"Whenever God's will is in complete control, He removes all pressure. And when we deliberately choose to obey Him, He will reach to the remotest star and to the ends of the earth to assist us with all of His almighty power."
Oswald Chambers
I took this picture at Deadhorse Canyon in UT. Someone had already arranged these rocks and I just happened upon it in the midst of the desert.
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